dolphin sperm extraction

This is a hands on demonstration for dog breeders to learn how-to stimulate the dog's penis, slip a collection hood over the penis and then gather the sperm rich ejaculate. Raw spermaceti is liquid within the head of the sperm whale, and is said to have a smell similar to raw milk. 1991 ). The ability to perform a full alignment of the query and reference sequences or a bootstrap analysis are provided as advanced search options that can overcome such uncertainty. DNA Surveillance is implemented with mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequences representing the majority of recognized cetacean species. [9] Another hypothesis has been that it is used as a cushion to protect the sperm whale's delicate snout while diving.[10][11]. Extraction sets consist of 9 samples and one or two extraction negatives. 81: 73–76, 2008 doi: 10.3354/dao01915 Published August 19 INTRODUCTION Herpesviral infections are very common in a wide variety of hosts, mainly vertebrates, … The diverse (20+ species) odontocete family Ziphiidae (beaked whales) is represented by a comprehensive validated data set. Geographically diverse species are represented by multiple sequences. This has the consequence of separating a submitted sperm whale sequence from the reference sperm whale sequences. Position 1 of the control region alignment corresponds to position 15891 of the fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) mtDNA genome (Arnason et al. DNA Surveillance is a Web-based application that assists in the identification of the species and population of unknown specimens by aligning user-submitted DNA sequences with a validated and curated data set of reference sequences. This makes it possible for the whale to sense the motion of its prey as well as its position. The spermaceti was boiled and strained of impurities to prevent it from going rancid. Spermaceti is insoluble in water, very slightly soluble in cold ethanol, but easily dissolved in ether, chloroform, carbon disulfide, and boiling ethanol. Otherwise, results of the phylogenetic identification could be misleading. Note that while the locus (mtDNA control region) and method of analysis (NJ tree) used were chosen specifically to address questions of species or population identity, they may not be as well suited to the robust reconstruction of higher-level relationships among more distantly related cetacean species. Dizon A, Baker CS, Cipriano F, Lento G, Palsboll P, Reeves R. Henshaw MD, LeDuc RG, Chivers SJ, Dizon AE. We invite experts on such taxonomic groups as carnivores, marine and freshwater turtles, commercially valuable fish, and sharks to contact us to explore implementation of DNA Surveillance for these taxa. [4] The blubber oil of the whale is about 66% wax. [5] It is composed mostly of wax esters (chiefly cetyl palmitate) and a smaller proportion of triglycerides. A whaler bailing spermaceti from the severed head of a sperm whale (1874 illustration). These techniques are especially pertinent to biosurveillance: the identification of animals and animal by-products in the context of conservation, wildlife management, and law enforcement. The latter outgroup was chosen to reduce outgroup branch length in the resultant trees. This question is addressed in a new episode of "Sex in the Wild," a multipart PBS documentary that aired on Aug. 6. The episode on dolphins and whales features UC San Diego bioengineering professor Michael Berns. Address correspondence to H. A. Ross at the address above, or e-mail: Search for other works by this author on: A reference genome assembly of American bison, Sex ratios in a warming world: thermal effects on sex-biased survival, sex determination, and sex reversal, Genetic Diversity and Connectivity in Plant Species Differing in Clonality and Dispersal Mechanisms in Wetland Island Habitats, Opinion: Genetic Conflict With Mobile Elements Drives Eukaryotic Genome Evolution, and Perhaps Also Eukaryogenesis, Tree of Life: Population structure, phylogeography and phylogenomics,, Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic, 5′-TGTAAAACGACGGCCAGTTCACCCAAAGCTGRARTTCTA-3′, Copyright © 2021 American Genetic Association. His father, a 20-year-old aggressive male name Mufasa, did not survive the semen-extraction process. Roca AL, Georgiadis N, Pecon-Slattery J, O'Brien SJ, Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. Comparison of Myoglobins Seal, Porpoise, and Sperm I. The congealed matter was then loaded into wool sacks and placed in a press to squeeze out the liquid. Altschul SF, Gish W, Miller W, Myers EW, Lipman DJ. In sperm whales, the male’s disproportionally large, box-like head ( Fig. Later, during the warmer seasons, the leftover solid was allowed to partially melt, and the liquid was strained off to leave a fully solid wax. This research addressed the problem of obtaining a sperm DNA profile from sexual assault evidence samples that also contain a large amount of epithelial cell DNA, and the ability to automate the differential extraction process. This liquid was bottled and sold as "winter-strained sperm oil". The sample was obtained in the North Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Iceland at GPS coordinates: 66.18517, -017.51138 in 2015. Details of reference sequences are revealed to users at the discretion of the data administrator or owner. They have hands, after all. The evolutionary distances among all of the aligned sequences are calculated using the F84 model of evolution (Felsenstein 1984; Kishino and Hasegawa 1989), with a transition/transversion ratio of 2 and equilibrium nucleotide frequencies as calculated empirically across all reference sequences. Scottish Natural Heritage, Battleby, Redgorton, Perth, Scotland, 31 pp. Obtaining information on spatio-temporal occurrence patterns of cetaceans can be especially challenging. This organ may contain as much as 1,900 litres (500 US gal) of spermaceti. The sequences in DNA Surveillance reflect species and population diversity. The speed of sound in spermaceti is 2,684 m/s (at 40 kHz, 36 °C), making it nearly twice as good a conductor of sounds as the oil in a dolphin's melon. Also, the user can choose that a computationally more intensive full alignment of the query and reference sequences be performed as part of the analyses. The proportion of wax esters in the spermaceti organ increases with the age of the whale: 38–51% in calves, 58–87% in adult females, and 71–94% in adult males. RNA extraction and cDNA transformation Total RNA was extracted using the RNeasy® Mini Kit (Qiagen, UK) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Primers used at the University of Auckland in sequencing the mtDNA control region of cetacean species. The taxonomic distribution of sequences in GenBank reflects the sampling protocols of individual research programs rather than phylogenetic diversity. 2. DNA Surveillance correctly identified the taxon for 100% of the sequences in the cetacean, mysticete, ziphiid, and humpback databases, and for 90% of the sequences in the odontocete database. Using a CNN-based approach to detect sperm whale echolocation clicks We achieve a training detection accuracy of 99.5% using 650 spectrogram images, including 325 from each class (click vs. … GenBank entries are not curated and can suffer from species or population misidentification, missing information, and inconsistent terminology. Preparation 1. PREPARATION AND from Harbor Whale The method involves homogenization in 70% saturated ammonium sulfate at 4" and chromatography on carboxymethyl Sephadex. We provide info on how to find a Lyme treating doctor for each state, various treatment options, symptom lists and lab tests. 2001). Kenneth S. Norris, George W. Harvey (1972). They live in rivers of Nepal, India, and Bangladesh. Spermaceti forms brilliant white crystals that are hard but oily to the touch, and are devoid of taste or smell, making it very useful as an ingredient in cosmetics, leatherworking, and lubricants. It should be no surprise to anyone that our primate cousins are champion masturbators. Users of DNA Surveillance are strongly encouraged to perform a BLAST search against GenBank to exclude the possibility that the origin of the sequence is noncetacean. We employ a new row-stochastic variation of DEDICOM on the pointwise mutual information matrices of text corpora to identify latent topic clusters within the vocabulary and simultaneously learn interpretable word embeddings. 1991. dPJ Ponganis, unpublished observations. Extraction, amplificationand sequencing of DNA from formaldehyde-fixed specimens. This was the most valuable product: an oil that remained liquid in freezing winter temperatures. Given its distinctiveness, this species is used as the outgroup for trees constructed using the cetacean, mysticete, and odontocete databases. Nevertheless, some taxa are naturally weakly differentiated and, as indicated in the online documentation, the user must employ other evidence in determining the species identity. The reference data sets comprise sequences from the highly variable mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region, which has proven to be an effective tool for the species identification of test specimens and for differentiating intra- and interspecific relationships among closely related cetacean species (Baker et al. How to collect semen or sperm from a male dog. An African lion cub, Simba, was born at the Singapore Zoo using assisted reproduction. 1A ) holds a gigantic nose that is arguably the largest sexually selected organ in the animal kingdom ( Cranford, 1999 ). Discriminating power should increase with the use of reference databases of a narrower taxonomic scope, such as that for the ziphiids or greater geographic representation, such as for the humpback. The relevant taxon for comparison was the family for the cetacean database, the species for the mysticete, odontocete, and ziphiid databases, and the population for the humpback database. The shaded region represents the portion of the control region covered by most sequences in the reference data sets. ). The classification of species follows Rice (1998). On land, the casks were allowed to chill during the winter, causing the spermaceti to congeal into a spongy and viscous mass. For sperm, we use 50 µL, for tails 100 µL, for single embryos/larvae 20–100 µL, and for eggs or multiple embryos/larvae 100–500 µL. The quantity of RNA obtained was determined for each sample by measuring optical density (OD) with a Nanodrop® ND-1000 UV–vis spectrophotometer (Thermo Scientific, UK). The current criteria for this warning are (1) if the query sequence is less than 60% of the length of the shortest sequence in the reference database, or (2) if the average cost, using the penalty values given above, of aligning the query sequence with each of the reference sequences is more than 25% greater than the highest average cost of aligning each reference sequence with each of the other reference sequences. Reference sequences have been selected to reflect the generic, specific, or geographic diversity observed at a taxonomic level and to maximize the discriminatory power of the analysis. This would explain the low density and high compressibility of the spermaceti, which enhance the resonance by the contrast of the acoustic properties of the sea water and of the hard tissue surrounding the spermaceti. Dalebout ML, Mead JG, Baker CS, Baker AN, Van Helden AL. Subsequently, the feature selection is made considering only those coefficients containing the most significant data for each species or subclass ( Delphinidae , Balaenidae , etc. [4] When it cools to 30 Â°C or below, the waxes begin to solidify. DNA Surveillance can also protect the privacy of reference data sets while allowing their use for identification. b Lento et al. [14], 1864 illustration captioned: "Removing the spermaceti from the head of the cachelot, or sperm whale". (2001). Currently there is disagreement on what biological purpose or purposes spermaceti serves. [2], Two theories for the spermaceti organ's biological function suggest it either controls buoyancy, or acts as a focusing apparatus for the whale's sense of echolocation. In a typical analysis, the user pastes a DNA sequence (in FASTA or text format) into a data input window and chooses the appropriate reference data set. Name the extraction set by its date Inconsistent application of keywords also reduces the power of searching GenBank by fields, impeding effective data mining. truncatus (Tt, bottlenose dolphin), Phoca vitulina (Pv, harbor seal), and Physeter macrocephalus (Pm, sperm whale) (Table 1). At present, however, identity of sperm whale sequences can be evaluated using the evolutionary distances. The reference sequences in DNA Surveillance are prealigned, using a mixture of algorithmic and manual methods, to create an optimized alignment; however, BLAST and related search engines seek locally maximal matches in pairwise comparisons. Postmortem extraction of sperm can be developed as an important source of germ plasm. A family-level data set for the Physeteridae, which is under development, should solve this problem. To reduce the chance of misidentification, a warning message is displayed if the divergence of the query sequence is judged to be outside the range found among cetacean species for this locus or if the length of the sequence is insufficient for a confident match. [6] Unlike other toothed whales, most of the carbon chains in the wax esters are relatively long (C10–C22). 1996; Dalebout 2002; Dalebout et al. Feature extraction of a B. acutorostrata (thump signal with vessel engine signal in the background): (a) Whole spectrogram, (b) Spectrogram of thump signal, (c) Octave analysis coefficients. DNA Surveillance is a service for the application of phylogenetic methods to the identification of species within a particular taxonomic group, such as the currently implemented data set for whales, dolphins, and porpoises (Order: Cetacea). For Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) to be effective in conservation their zoning and management needs to be based on scientific data. bAssumed. The reliability of DNA Surveillance was tested by submitting an unaligned copy of each reference sequence as a query sequence to each data set in which it occurs. The model and parameters used are the simplest required to provide the level of discrimination required to differentiate species identity. The changing distance to the prey affects the time interval between the returning clicks reflected by the prey (Doppler effect). The bulbus glandis (also called a knot) is an erectile tissue structure on the penis of canid mammals. Females from at least 50 species also get into the act, and they can get creative: for example, female orangutans and capuchin monkeys have both been observed using sticks and other plant parts as makeshift dildos. For full access to this pdf, sign in to an existing account, or purchase an annual subscription. Additional extractions may continue sequentially during incubations. Fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) and blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) are used as outgroups for this reference data set. An optional bootstrap analysis using 100, 500, or 1,000 pseudoreplicates (Felsenstein 1986) can be performed to assess the robustness of the resulting phylogenetic tree. A schematic map of the mtDNA control region and the binding sites and orientation of the primers used in sequencing cetacean DNA. The extreme (E) value associated with each sequence hit in a BLAST search is not a rigorous measure of evolutionary distance or genetic similarity, and depends on the size of the database being searched (Karlin and Altschul 1990). “ White-beaked dolphin and Risso's dolphin click characteristics and the potential for classification and species identification,” Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. The substance was also used in making candles of a standard photometric value, in the dressing of fabrics, and as a pharmaceutical excipient, especially in cerates and ointments. The exceptions are the few species in which females have longer rostra than males, e.g., the south Asian river dolphin, the franciscana, and the rough-toothed dolphin (Steno bredanensis). Extensions of the system to include other gene loci and taxa are planned. This wax, brown in color, was then bleached and sold as "spermaceti wax". It is used when couples are unable to conceive naturally, and a sperm and egg are removed from their bodies and combined in a laboratory before the embryo is inserted into the woman. The phylogenetic tree, in both graphic and Newick text format, and a table of distances are displayed and can be downloaded to disk. A list of the species represented in each data set is available on the website. PBS (Sigma Aldrich, UK, 200µl) or distilled water (200ul) was added to …, "The face that sank the Essex: potential function of the spermaceti organ in aggression", International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling,, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Wikipedia articles incorporating text from the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica, Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 24 December 2020, at 21:15. Christopher Grayce, NEWTON, Sperm whales' name, ", Doug Lennox, Dundurn Press, 2006, Now You Know: The Book of Answers, ", Sample Collection and RNA Extraction for Transcriptomic Analysis A skin biopsy sample was obtained from a free-ranging blue whale ( B. musculus ) by a Larsen gun ( Palsbøll et al. 1998, 2002). Resulting bootstrap scores ≥50% are displayed on the relevant nodes of the NJ tree. Some of the higher-level relationships suggested by DNA Surveillance are not well supported by bootstrap simulation and should not be considered an accurate reflection of the evolutionary relationships among these taxa (e.g., for the family Ziphiidae, in which reconstructions suggest that the genus Mesoplodon is not monophyletic; see Dalebout [2002] for further discussion regarding higher-level relationships in this family). Sperm from a pygmy chimpanzee (P. paniscus) , lion-tailed macaque, and paras monkey (Cercopithecus patas) frozen as long as 12 hours after death have shown acceptable postthaw motility and ability to penetrate hamster ova in vitro ( Durrant, 1987 ). Candlepower, a photometric unit defined in the United Kingdom Act of Parliament Metropolitan Gas Act 1860 and adopted at the International Electrotechnical Conference of 1883, was based on the light produced by a pure spermaceti candle. The phylogenetic trees created are rooted using an appropriate outgroup: the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) for the mysticete, odontocete, and general cetacean reference data sets, and the pygmy sperm whale (Kogia breviceps) for the ziphiid reference data set. Abstract The DEDICOM algorithm provides a uniquely interpretable matrix factorization method for symmetric and asymmetric square matrices. Because the frequency modulation in dolphin signature whistles is known to encode individual identity (Sayigh et al., 2007), we used a test of identity reconstruction to quantify the ridge extraction fidelity. b Missing are river dolphin families Platanistidae, Iniidae, and Lipotidae. false killer whale; 1 striped dolphin, 1 pygmy or dwarf sperm whale, Kogia sp., and 2 unidentified cetaceans. This claim has been called into question by recent research which indicates a lack of biological structures to support this heat exchange, as well as the fact that the change in density is too small to be meaningful until the organ grows to huge size.[3]. A sperm whale is killed, its spermaceti bailed out, its blubber stripped and boiled in this excerpt from the 1922 movie Down to the Sea in Ships. In recognition of the proprietary nature of some gene sequences, user-submitted query sequences are neither captured nor stored, except in temporary caching. Then, they would cut a hole in it and bail out the matter inside with a bucket. The DNA Surveillance software and the reference data sets have been developed specifically for taxonomic identification. The Ganges River dolphin is one of the most threatened freshwater dolphins in the world. [4] The query sequence is aligned by a simple profile alignment (Gribskov and Veretnik 1996; Gribskov et al. Additionally, two harbor porpoise individuals (Pp_2 and Pp_3) exhibiting relatively high levels of legacy Sample Description, DNA Extraction, and Library Construction We obtained tissue or DNA from national repositories for 68 species (77 total individuals) of cetaceans, two species of hippopotamuses, and three species of ruminants (Appendix Table A1 ). A botanical alternative to spermaceti is a derivative of jojoba oil, jojoba esters, C19H41COO-C20H41, a solid wax which is chemically and physically very similar to spermaceti and may be used in many of the same applications. The art of self-pleasure has been observed in males from about 80 species from ape to monkey to lemur, making it one of the most common and widespread primate sexual behaviors. High Yield DNA Extraction A. Deviations in the placement of a sequence could occur as a result of the profile alignment differing from the original, manually adjusted alignment. Reliance on the topology of the phylogenetic tree in identification of the sperm whale (P. macrocephalus) is problematic at present. 2002) to be added shortly. Isotopic niche width differentiation between common bottlenose dolphin ecotypes and sperm whales in the Gulf of California Raúl E. Díaz‐Gamboa Diane Gendron Geraldine Busquets‐Vass Pages: 440-457 First Published: It is important that users of this service ensure that any submitted DNA sequences are derived from a member of the specified taxonomic group. Physeteridae (sperm whale) 1/1 2 Kogiidae (pygmy sperm whales) 2/2 3 Ziphiidae (beaked whales) c 20/20 39 Pontoporiidae (La Plata dolphin) 1/1 2 Monodontidae (beluga and narwhal) 2/2 4 Delphinidae (oceanic dolphins) 39 c New species (Dalebout et al. Phylogenetic techniques are implemented in a Web-based program that aligns a user-submitted gene sequence of unknown origin against a set of validated reference sequences, computes the evolutionary distances between the unknown and each of the reference sequences, and then builds a phylogenetic tree to display the affinity of the unknown sequence with the reference sequences. Phylogenetic analyses are performed and results are returned in tree and table format summarizing the evolutionary distances between the query and reference sequences. a Additional sequences from other species will be added shortly. After killing a sperm whale, the whalers would pull the carcass alongside the ship, cut off the head and pull it on deck. It might be used as a means of adjusting the whale's buoyancy, since the density of the spermaceti changes with its phase. THE JOUBNAL BIOLOGICAL OF CHEMISTRY Vol.243, No.

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