which type of leader allow complete delegation of authority mcq

ii. In this post, you will learn about the meaning, and principles of delegation of authority. He gets detailed information from subordinates before taking decisions. Such a leader does not exercise his power in giving directions. (iii) Full utilisation of the potential of subordinates. The bureaucratic styles in public sector organisations have generally hindered the growth of these organisations. c. There is more dependence and less individuality in the organization. When the work of a manager gets beyond his capacity, there should be some system of sharing the work. Optimum utilisation of employee potential. They also vary from one enterprise to another. Using this style is not a sign of weakness; rather it is a sign of strength that employees respect and are committed to. Bureaucratic or Rules-Centered Leadership: Leadership Styles – In Indian Organisations (, PreserveArticles.com: Preserving Your Articles for Eternity, Short note on the Autocratic or dictatorial leadership. All the three types can be found in almost every organisation. This style involves commitment from the leaders and subordinates. The managerial cadres were mostly taken from bureaucratic ranks. Autocratic leadership style may be appropriate when subordinates are uneducated, unskilled and submissive. Successful Delegation: Using the Power of Other People’s Help. 6. This is a basic management technique that allows for efficiency, resilience and development of team members. 4. You or someone else can do. To make a successful delegation of authority, one should follow the following principles: The duty must be defined with functional clarity. Matrix The temporary nature of assignments under _____ departmentalization does not allow employees to … He dominates the group and gives orders with an expectation of fulfillment without any queries. The manager serves as a contact man with the outsiders to bring for his group the information and resources it needs for the accomplishment of its goals. 29. to motivate employees while negative leaders emphasize on penalties. Misused, looked on as an escape hatch through which the leader can lessen responsibility. Some entrepreneurs are gracious to customers and moneylenders but brusque/ with company insiders. He decentralises decision-making authority and invites participation in decision making. (i) Democratic style is time-consuming and may result in delays in decision-­making. It can also suggest some alternative styles that may be available to him. Overdependence on leader leads to inflexibility in operations. He loves power and never delegates authority. He expects compliance. Good leaders may also change their style when dealing with individual team members on the basis of their characteristics. From then onwards, the faculty members are free to decide about the method of teaching, books to be recommended and various teaching aids to be used. Responsibility: This is the obligation a subordinate has to successfully complete the duties they are assigned. It helps subordinates to develop independent personalities. Under this style the leader tries to achieve organisational goals by exploiting the weak points of employees. But he has to secure performance from them. Communication – Free flow of communication. He does not lay down guidelines with in which his followers have towards. (ii) Maximum possible scope for development of subordinates. Group members perform everything and the manager usually coordinates with outside agencies to bring information and material which the group needs. Negative motivation includes imposing penalty, criticizing subordinates and so on. A paternalistic leader is like a father figure to the subordinates. The entrepreneur’s enthusiasm in turn makes him persuasive. However, it does not explain why a manager fails in one part or the other of the grid. iv. No Delegation of Total Authority; A manager cannot delegate his/her total authority to the subordinates. 2. An autocratic leader is, in fact, no leader. This style is also called democratic, consultative, or ideographic. They try to build teamwork, provide psychological support and help employees with their personal problems. ii. Many successful entrepreneurs are people who were frustrated by the constraints of a bureaucratic system. (v) New ideas and initiatives are not encouraged. Democratic approach may dilute the quality of expertise involved in decision-making. He sees to it that policy is one who gives order after consulting the group. Delegation of authority – Complete delegation of authority. (iii) Positive effect on morale and job satisfaction of subordinates. There is a difference in ways leaders approach their employees. Suitability – This style of leadership is suitable under following situations: (i) When leader wants participation of subordinates in decision making. Some entrepreneurs are often so emotional that they are regarded as eccentric. Most of the public sector organisations have been working under different government departments. 3. But then, there are a lot of things one needs to know before deciding to delegate duties. A person who is in charge, such as a manager or a team leader, assigns other team members certain tasks that have to be completed in a … Leadership style varies from person to person at the same point of time and may also vary from one situation to another situation by the same leader. Questions and answers - MCQ with explanation on Computer Science subjects like System Architecture, Introduction to Management, Math For Computer Science, DBMS, C Programming, System Analysis and Design, Data Structure and Algorithm Analysis, OOP and Java, Client Server Application Development, Data Communication and Computer Networks, OS, MIS, Software Engineering, AI, Web Technology and … Responsibility cannot be delegated or tr… Democratic — forges consensus (to be used to build agreement and get positive contributions). b. Employees lack motivation. (iii) Decentralisation is followed in decision making process. Free-rein Leadership Style – It includes those leaders who do not use the power. He keeps the followers informed about matters affecting them. Thoughtful attention to the needs of people leads to a friendly and com­fortable organization atmosphere and work tempo. There is a free flow of communication, rather more often an upward communication is observed. Process 5. He generally praises subordinates for their good work. 4. (iv) Willing acceptance of rules, regulations, and procedures by employees. ii. Delegation does not mean that manager give up his authority, but certainly he shares some authority with the subordinate essential to complete the responsibility entrusted to him. The common methods adopted are democratic functioning, supervision, production, committees, suggestion programmes, and multiple-management. It represents a consistent combination of philosophy, skills, traits and attitudes that are exhibited in a person’s behaviour. Leadership Styles – Authoritarian or Autocratic Style, Participative or Democratic Style and Free Rein Style. Delegation typically flows from management to their direct and indirect reports. The authoritarian style should only be used on rare occasions. However, the leader remains responsible for the decisions that are made by employees. Once a Month Cooking: Productivity Hack or Overrated Time Suck? (v) Co-operation of subordinates is taken in making important decisions. What a manager’s style is will be influenced by many factors, including the superior, the kind of subordinates he supervises, and the situation in which he finds himself. Leaders approach people to motivate them in many ways. Participative leadership empowers employees to use their creativity and be more productive. Democratic leaders use rewards and appreciations as tools to motivate their subordinates. Their flurry of activity rubs off on group members and those around them. 20 Easy Home Office Organization Ideas to Boost Your Productivity. management, functions, Directing, elements, Leadership, Leadership Styles. Role of leader – Directs all activities. In this style of leadership, leader allows the employees to make decisions. It has to be observed at the outset that some leaders are disciplinarians or martinets (i.e., persons who maintain strict discipline) while others are more permissive and tend to delegate power to subordinates. It is the delegation by one individual to another of the right to act, to make decisions, to requisition resources, to direct others to act and to perform other tasks in order to fulfill the job responsibilities. Forms 6. A Laissez fair leader gives full freedom to his followers to act. If the inputs are seen as used, employees are likely to feel as though they had a positive impact, if the inputs are consistently rejected; employees are likely to feel that their time has been wasted. 2. Free-rein or laissez faire technique means giving complete freedom to subordinates. Content Guidelines Negative leaders dominate people. (ii) Subordinates tend to shirk responsibility and initiative. Copyright. Thereafter, everything is left to the subordinates. Role of leader – Provides support and resources. However, it depends on the leaders how to use authority. The leadership styles may be classified on the following bases: The use of authority is an important basis of classification of leadership styles or the leaders. The Delegation of Authority is an organizational process wherein, the manager divides his work among the subordinates and give them the responsibility to accomplish the respective tasks. Successful delegation requires careful explanation of the task to be accomplished. Better employee education, greater demand for independence and other factors have made satisfactory employee motivation more dependent on positive leadership. 2. Building a business is an excellent vehicle for accomplishment. These types of leaders pay more attention to the needs of subordinates, as they believe that focusing on their needs will increase their performance. ... Managers should consider the 5 Levels of Authority when delegating a task to a direct report. Positive leaders use rewards, such as education, independence, etc. These types of leaders just create an environment for getting the tasks done.

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