how to decline influencer collaboration sample

And who knows, in the end, you might actually have a lot of fun with your influencer outreach marketing. Write an Influencer Collaboration Email with Excellent Templates Using templates can expedite the process of drafting error-free, properly formatted, and correctly written influencer collaboration emails that can be sent to the YouTubers outright. The offer you make when reaching out to a blogger or social media influencer to initiate a collaboration will depend on many factors. Since the templates are packed with all the ‘meat-n-potatoes’ needed to convince … If that's not your cup of tea, you can often hire influencers for their services. Commission – If you have an influencer that keeps coming back into your efforts and leads to bigger sales, setting them up with a commission might not be a bad idea. Build up their anticipation and then contact them again when the content is ready. When you face rejection, don’t give up. Here are a few to consider: How many fans or followers does the influencer have? Successful influencer collaborations take time to increase engagement and improve sales. There are many reasons you might decide to turn down a potential client. To find out if they really are a good fit for your end goals, all you need to do is click on their individual profile. Sometime, five a day, sometimes none. Although it’s not easy, there’s hope. How do you check for spamming tendencies then? Influencers became influencers because their … Blog post? After all, you won’t get engagement from many influencers if your project is just so-so. Whether you want to admit it or not, many of your asks will end up in the spam filter of the influencer you’re reaching out to. How can you place yourself among the top marketing pros, and finally swim with the sharks? Simply click on a template you like, then click on “use this template” in the top right corner. As long as these influencers are aligned with your content, audience, and have experience worth sharing, they’re worth building a relationship with. What I’m talking about is the practice of using niche-specific micro-influencers that have more “modest” online followings. Use a professional tone of voice. These people can also help point you in the direction of more potential customers that may find value in your products and/or services. Throughout your project, consider how you can work with your influencers as part of a long-term strategy. Be upfront about how much work the influencer will need to do, and don’t be vague or beat around the bush. 2 scripts to politely decline and save hurt feelings. Use a No one If you’d rather have total control of the look and feel of your content, a tool like Canva is a great way to quickly and cheaply design infographics or simple imagery for your content. While some partnership offers are a great fit for your organization, the timing of the proposed partnership may be wrong. I’m flattered! Discuss the terms of collaboration with your chosen influencer and make sure you compensate them fairly for a trouble-free partnership. This Campaign Well, you can send a follow-up email and hope for the best, or you can try to contact them via other channels. SEO? Any other advice I would give up front is a little more general but still in the realm of best practice for approaching an influencer. Once you get started, share your thoughts on their content, work, or expertise. And this makes sense. Choosing the wrong influencers can easily lead to the downfall of your influencer marketing campaign. You can be considerate and respectful – and still say no to a colleague. Show them how much you crave for … You know what I’m talking about… the infamous and ever ambiguous brand collaboration offer. Here’s what I said in my email to the experts: The next round of emails to send out is to the list of people who showed interest from the Skyscraper Technique. Not all partnerships are strategic or a good fit for your organization. We look forward to partnering with Next Steppers on future projects. For example, there’s been an explosive use of Adblock in recent years that makes it much harder for businesses to rely on traditional paid media. Don’t be discouraged though. You can’t just create this stellar content with your influencers help and then not leverage it in the best places possible. Even now, relying on them might not be the most efficient use of your marketing budget. Your best bet is to ride along on the coattails of those influencers. How To Kindly Decline Partnerships. You need to show them how committed you are to getting their attention. It should provide the answers to who owns content rights, what are the expectations from the collaboration, and so on. So where do you post your content? Quey goes on to share three powerful ways you can change your email’s destiny and reach your targeted influencer. Tomoson found blogs and Facebook to be the two greatest places to post influencer content. After you’ve determined what your project is, it’s wise to establish goals that are within reach and mapped out over time. The “let’s start a relationship” template. Contests or competitions attract more eyeballs than traditional advertising. As someone who receives numerous pitches from Public Relations teams every single day, I know what catches my attention and what doesn't. There’s an overabundance of data that’s going to be competing with your content, which means you need to make sure yours stands out. This particular channel only has 23,000 subscribers, but Jord’s influencer video got more than 13,000 views. Go above and beyond what your influencer likely expects. We are not in the market for any [type of service or subject pitched about] at the moment, but I … As a business owner or manager, you are bound to receive more than a few ill-conceived partnerships offers by email. Re: Women’s Day Event Partnership – Orange Nation. There are various reasons organizations decline partnership offers. This is the part where you need to do your second round of outreach. Finally, once you’ve picked a project and decided on goals, it’s time to determine the format you’ll be using for your finished piece of content. Browse as many as you need to and write down the ones that stand out as the best. Most ROI shoots for a 5:1 ratio, so you can see just how wild these statistics really are. How To Reach Out To Influencers So That They Can’t Say No. Getting important people to respond to you is hard. But don't hesitate. Our project worked out where attribution and a little extra exposure were sufficient, but that won’t always be enough. The remainder was done using Adobe Illustrator. The next step is finding the right influencers that will in turn bring you the customers your business wants and needs. Ace Training Limited specializes in financial and accounting training interventions; therefore the proposed youth development initiatives are outside our area of specialization. Be thorough to avoid embarrassment, and to impress anyone that comes across your work. But that doesn’t mean they’re not on a list somewhere. For me, every tip I successfully acquired from an influencer was like getting a powerup or a gold coin! It is not a substitute for legal advice. Re-email all the participants individually. Brain Food. Both sides must be open … After this success, I felt invincible and even tried to get Chelsea Peretti to submit a tip: She never answered. This is one of the best Instagram influencer … That being said…paid sponsorships are best ( click here to find out what the going rates are for your basic Instagram sponsorships ). To help you create a gorgeous influencer media kit, you can download our free influencer media kit template for Adobe Photoshop below. One of the trickiest parts of blogging as a business is navigating your way through relationships and partnerships with other bloggers, brands and companies. As our 2018 influencer marketing survey uncovered, consumers are more likely to buy a product from someone based on trust – not the size of the following. Hi [name], Thank you for your email. Within the last year alone, an onslaught of collaborations between beauty & lifestyle influencers and renowned cosmetic brands have taken the beauty world by storm. This platform lets you upload your copy and get instant feedback for revisions. whether it’s a one-off collaboration, includes multiple social media platforms or not), influencer agreements need to be tailored accordingly. Are you beginning to see how a micro-influencer can be a powerful addition to your project? Clearly communicating to the sender that the decision to decline the partnership offer is objective ensures that future interactions between the two organizations are unaffected. Here, you can change colors, imagery, and copy to suit your specific needs. And Jord doesn’t just focus on one group either. I recommend being specific to each influencer too. Trust your creators. Of course, I said no to this so-called collaboration offer. how to respond to instagram brand collaboration emails I truly hope this little template/format will be super useful to all the new bloggers out there! Try to find out why they didn’t respond or denied you. Not only will this get other influencers excited about being contacted, but many of them will be eager to share your content in order to show their support. My earlier example of Jord comes immediately to mind. For those, we wanted to pull out some takeaway points to include in the blog post and the infographic poster on our page. Be sure to check out the detailed article on how to respond to partnership offers by email and check out the samples for accepting partnership offers by email. You can also gain quick access to their social media, website, and other helpful information. So not only is Jord hoping for a good review, they’re incentivizing the influencer’s audience to check out their product with a discount. Like I said, you won’t see them on a list of top YouTubers. The easier you make it for your influencer to help you, the more likely you’ll get a favorable response. Here’s what one simple refinement accomplishes: These individuals might not have the clout of Elon Musk or Xbox, but they can provide a wider audience for your project if they fit the bill. We’ll start with the quintessential … Re: Youth Development Project Partnership. An influencer collaboration agreement template should also mention the specific brand and how often the attention of posts of the influencer would be needed. Image via Instagram. And of course, every day I receive notifications of more people linking back to the content, and more people sharing it on their social media platforms. While declining a partnership offer may seem negative, it is up to business professionals to ensure there are no long-term negative implications. I can't even begin to … Research the person you are outreaching to and make your pitch personal. Start with a dynamite idea, great planning, and make sure your project is moving in the right direction from the beginning. In the end, we had a list of nearly 140 different marketing experts, and we were ready for the next step: the pitch. Reaching out to them to get a deal done is influencer outreach. Hold Contests for Influencer Followers. Wrong! You mean to tell me that this Fortune 500 company want me to go out and buy, write about, photograph, and sell my readers their product for free? Or, just come back to Canva thanks to their autosave feature when you need to revise your project. What is your takeaway tip for making really great content? An understanding of how to decline partnership offers by email when they are not aligned with your business objectives or strategy is critical to maintaining the image and integrity of your business and organization. Sometimes, the most respectful thing for you, for your company and even for the colleague who is asking you to take on more is to say, “No.” Here are some tips for how to decline a request graciously: The offer should be clear, and your desired outcome shouldn’t be veiled. When it comes to the matter of writing a rejection letter to vendor proposal, the tone of the letter has to be professional and polite.Certainly, it is all about maintaining decency and decorum in the letter for sure. The reason why this is so important brands favour influencers who inspire and influence and will want to work with you again if your campaign has been successful. Hey Influencer, Been following your work for a while - really interesting takeaways from your deep dive into the pros and cons of always-open vs. closed-door courses. Meaning that it not only acted as proof that the listed individuals were influential since they were getting mentioned in Forbes, but it also meant they were willing to contribute their insights. Using these 2 influencer outreach templates will help you catch their attention. I used two different processes for tracking down influencers. State if there is an upfront payment say 25%, discount, and bonuses for high performing posts or free access to products or … The ultimate focus is on relationships after all, not one-off campaigns. The evidence says an overwhelming “yes.”. And overall, just don’t be a burden to them. November 5, 2014 0 comments. If that doesn’t work, try using different channels to get in touch with a person. It takes some persistence to get people’s attention. Takeovers are both interesting and beneficial to the brand since influencer content is more effective than your brand-created content. Influencer brand collaboration request letter proposal. You should do this manually as well, and individually contact each of these people. Their audience needs to be sufficiently engaged to make the collaboration worth the effort. We wish you great success with your initiatives to improve the state of women. You’ve heard the term influencer outreach thousands of times before. Provide instruction, sample content, or images that they can use or refer to. So now that your post is completed and it’s published on your blog error free, you can just sit back and wait for the shares and backlinks to skyrocket. However, the training company may not offer training in the specific field of interest or may lack the expertise to deliver a particular intervention. These are experts after all and can definitely tell when you’re taking the easy way out. Communicate this professionally by indicating your inability to dedicate the required resource instead of questioning the low investment from the other party. Their results have been impressive, too. Furthermore, Twitter is a more immediate and direct (there’s that word again) approach to communicating with someone. Best, [your name] Aaron’s email is short, easy to read, clearly states why Aaron is reaching out to the influencer, and it … While the dictionary definitions might be similar, I don’t think this is a, Creating a high-performance website doesn’t happen by chance. I added all of these influencers into a spreadsheet where I tracked their names, companies and websites, any relevant blog posts and articles, and of course their email addresses. Their time is precious. Even after we were ready to publish the “final” version, at the last minute, we would notice major errors that needed to be fixed. Read on to understand the best ways to decline an offer politely. Campaign: As an Independent Contractor, I will provide the following services on behalf of the brand/agency _____ ("Client"). These missteps will land you pitch squarely in your influencer’s spam folder or trash bin. Influencer marketing will help you to establish newer and stronger relationships with individuals who can help you grow within your niche. Again, you just want to remind them that you are following up with them as per their request. The world of social media marketing and influencers are upon us, and I want to be one of the pioneers who genuinely want to share her knowledge in order to help others … However, not every project has to rely on high-profile influencers to achieve its goals. The second process I used was an influencer search on Buzzsumo. However, there are other ways for you, the brand, and influencer to benefit from each other. When you work with these influencers to promote your product, that’s called influencer marketing. Eventually, you will start to succeed, but it takes persistence. If you’re unfamiliar with the Skyscraper technique, it’s a three-step method of creating and sharing content for best results. How you choose to use micro-influencers is entirely up to your imagination, but you can see how successful it can be simply by the sheer volume of Jord’s success. Whether a brand approaches you about a special project they’d like to collaborate on, or you’re pitching to businesses you would like to work with, having an influencer media kit will make you stand out in the world of influencer … I plan to spend $x on research, design, and distribution. I emailed him directly a couple of times and received no response, then I tweeted him, and finally, I send him a message using his contact form on Quicksprout. When all is said and done, building long-term relationships with your influencers will always be better for you, your brand, and possibly even the influencer. The questions we would be asking each influencer were: If we could get 50 different views and responses from these two questions, we could definitely create a guide that would help a lot of people out. For the ebook, I used Brian Dean’s Skyscraper technique to pre-plan my outreach. By the end of this process, we’d decided on a two-pronged approach that allowed us to create an infographic and eBook that complemented each other. The main purpose of influencer marketing and outreach is to boost your company’s sales and leads. The reason for that is that unfortunately most people just never responded to my emails, despite how charming and to the point they were. Once that’s done, you can email a larger database of contacts (which you can do using a mail merge), including your own user-base of blog subscribers. These templates can help in quickly marketing your brand on Instagram . Tips to write a decline offer email Now that you know the components that go into a decline offer letter, it’s time to focus on how to deliver the blow. While that’s not the most desirable option, it’s better than creating an under-sourced project with limited value. Now, having said that, you still need a media kit, just not the super designed one you may be thinking. One thing that lots of people will tell you to do that you really don't need to do is send a 'media kit.' For example, if you want to look for influencers who help their following be more productive, then you could enter a search term for “productivity.”. What other brands do you know of that have thousands of user-generated reviews? Sample of an Agreement with an Influencer Seth Arenstein, PR News Follow Seth: @Skarenstein The document is intended to provide general information and guidelines only and is not a substitute for legal advice. Chances are any marketer or entrepreneur you outreach to understands the value of being featured in a well-researched and promoted piece of content.

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