how to counter incas aoe2

The strength of the villagers drop off quickly vs castle age units. The Slinger, on the other hand, is an anti-infantry unit, in some way similar to a Hand Cannoneer but weaker, cheaper, faster firing, more accurate, and available from the Castle Age without having to research Chemistry first. I'll try heavy drushing the next time I match up against an Inca player, but there's still a pretty decent chance they actually won't end up trushing you in which case your drush will probably suck and end up just being an unnecessary delay on your feudal age timing. If your response is "well militia drush is actually quite common", it's a lot different here because typically you only make 3, which would have been woefully inadequate in this case. Essentially, an effective rush stems from the Inca player being very incompetent and having terrible micro. Sending in vill reinforcements every now and then is essential to keeping the pressure on. Watch Towers' HP is reduced to 700 in the Dark Age (in the Castle Age, they still have 1,020 HP). But it isn't cost effective to mass paladins to counter mass EEW. They also receive Thumb Ring and the Slinger no longer require a Castle making possible for the Incas to perform a Slinger rush once they reach Castle Age. Despite this, their Tower rush is still a viable tactic, just a bit harder to perform successfully. I appreciate it only buys you time because he can just waltz over and tower your new wood-line/ farms or whatever, but it costs him more time and resources to do this than it takes for you to walk away and build a new lumber camp/mill, and buying time is really what you need against this strat. Their houses provide extra population, which can be very useful for quickly increasing population and saving wood. However, Huskarls can be a devastating threat for Slingers in the close range due to their attack bonus against archers. This almost never works in my experience because firstly, he will have line of sight on all the villagers leaving from your base, and secondly it takes a massive wood investment to rebuild all your buildings. Out of those games, of the none-mirrors, it went 2-1. I don't have the option of knowing beforehand whether they are Incas, [–]kokandevatten 2 points3 points4 points 1 year ago (2 children), Teutons are a decent civ, but it is not a top tier civ. By continuing to use this site, you are consenting to our use of cookies. TL;DR As soon as it's castle age, those towers are not going live long against knights, rams or even longswordsmen. Southeast Asian civilizations can also provide Cavaliers, Battle Elephants (that can shield Incas Slingers) and Bombard Cannons as supporting contingents. It all depends whether or not you can defend long enough to mass archers. If I find time to review the material, I will most likely turn it into a new guide for the Definitive Edition of AoE2, which will also include the new civs and updated strategies.] This was hilarious. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. New players have an especially tough time dealing with the Tower Rush (or Trush as it is often called), but there are some ways to counter it. Incas are valuable allies not only for their team bonus but also for their stone discount bonus on their buildings as they can create defensive structures to support all their team cheaper than other civilizations. It seems like general consensus is to bring more vils, so I will absolutely experiment with that in my coming games. Out of those games, every victory was on one specific map. Every non-mirror victory was by a specific player, as well. All the big ideas and the general strategies still work as described. We just had a tournament. He will just win with eco at that point, or even disengage once he has killed off the scouts. A project by Siege Engineers.Contribute on GitHub. Aztecs have better eco, the relic bonus and siege onager, while Inca eagles are basically impervious to arrows, your villagers are stronger, and you can counter pretty much anything with halbs/kamayuks, slingers and skirms. Kamayuks are most effective in large groups, as they have a range of one, enabling them to attack from behind one another. [–]Qzsw 1 point2 points3 points 1 year ago (26 children). I'm not likely to get the chance to try it out mind, but in theory it's got a good chance. I'm not at all following how this is "completely stomping" a tournament. Scouts are actually even worse than vills in 1v1 fights without upgrades (45hp, 5atk, 0 armor for scouts, vs 40hp, 4atk, 2armor for vills) on top of being cost inefficient. Also, not forgetting to counter-raid works too; build a few scouts/archers and go to his base, see how they like it. Civilizations like these include: Celts, Ethiopians, Mongols, and Koreans of course. They also lose to berserks, woad raiders, champions, eagle warriors (preferably not Incan), plumed archers, longbowmen, chu ko nus, imperial camels (yes! Also set up Monasteries, in the Imperial Age as this required for a good Inca army composition which consists of several siege units, skirmishers and archers, and some Monks for support the frontlines of Slingers, Eagle warriors and Kamayuks. From here, the player must keep pressing in and building Towers within range of each other to cover all of the critical resources and surrounding the opponent's Town center, if able the player should then steal the stone mines of his opponent. Incas are also well suited for "King of the Hill" and "Defend the Wonder" game modes, as their cheaper fortifications help to defend Monuments and Wonders. If you want to improve your strategy, I recommend doing 8 or 10 vills rather than 5 vills. Add. Their Villagers can take a lot of abuse before dying, allowing them to easily set up cheaper Castles on the front lines along with other offensive buildings and military buildings such as Archery ranges, Siege Workshops, Monasteries and Barracks. Laming was banned with scouts was banned and someone still lamed with a villager. As the Incan towers are cheaper, the Ethiopian team bonus is also helpful, as itimproves the Line of sight of the towers. Additionally you'll always be down in vill on vill fights as mentioned before. I normally send the stone miners I had in dark age as my tower vills in feudal, plus some extra from wood. Their houses provide extra population, which can be very useful for quickly increasing population and saving wood. My question in that case is where should those extra villagers come from? Additionally if he sees this coming (he'll know once you age up really quick), he will send even more vills from his eco to guarantee he kills your early military, [–]crazyyoco 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (2 children). Some civilizations are more powerful than others, especially for beginner players and those who are just starting out in AoE 2 DE. For a Fast Castle, there is no real difference besides needing fewer Houses. 3 Incas, first send in some Eagle Warriors (10 P), then follow that up with Kamayuks and Halberdiers for good measure. Then my team were 2 vs 1. Viper knew what Yo would do, picked Celts to try and counter with M@A, but still lost. Your opponent literally will be incapable of engaging you in melee combat if you have at least 10 full hp vills, unless you are under their TC or in range of their towers while not in range of yours. Just maybe, it's not close to OP, and is actually just a situationally strong strategy. Not much I can really think on countering inca vil rush. I do actually agree with you that it gets a lot more difficult once the opponent hits Castle. In general, the Aztecs are very infantry based, which means anything that can counter Infantry can counter them. If the opponent survives then the Inca player should age up to Castle Age as soon as possible and use their stone to create castles turning the Inca Trush into a Castle drop. For sure. Like if we're going to argue that its "OP because even Viper couldn't beat it when it was done by another top 10 player on the ideal map" then we should probably respect that there are, as far as I've seen, zero high level players dominating the DE ladder or tournaments with it. Their extra Llama bonus can be used for exploring in the early game or just for taking some extra food. If you enter your own vills into the fight you will still be heavily disadvantaged. Not much I can really think on countering inca vil rush. He also had Pikemens to defend it. They get 4 attack and 2 armor so they effectively deal 3 damage and take 1. Run with most of your eco to some random spot in the map after he has 5+ towers up, and try and rebuild. I am certainly no pro, but I've had some success with 3 (walking away and going somewhere else as my base comes into range). All three of these have the possibility of being improved with upgrades, with Scouts likely having the most potential, but you have to spend at least 150 food on scale armor before you have a favorable engagement, and even then it isn't going to be cost effective. Kamayuks are useless against contingents of Teutonic Knights and Viking Berserks, since these units have better stats and can counter their Eagle Warrior. [–]flightlessbirdi -1 points0 points1 point 1 year ago (3 children), [–][deleted] 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (2 children). Their Stone Walls cost 1 less stone (4 instead of 5), which helps make Stone Walling more affordable. Dark Age militia have the advantage over villagers because they require less micro. But this dude had a big army of Siege Onager and no mather what we would throw at it, we didn't stand a Chance! Well if you are in feidal faster couldnt yor scouts engage before he has his upgrades ? Relocation/stalling. This only worked once so it probably isnt the best but, you can try magyars and your teamate goes halbs while you go cav archers and magyar hussar to kill siege. [–]Jcpkill 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (0 children). Inca FU feudal vils can 1v2 other civs vils if they get an extra hit before the second vil joins in the fight first. Didn't look free, by any means, at Castle Age they had even vill count, with Liereyy actually leading in military. I thought this would be pretty effective but it turns out there is a few problems... there are no military units that will counter fully upgraded Inca vills effectively. Is that why? Not in my games, nor games of pros. They are probably one of the best counters available against the Steppe Lancer which is available for Tatars, Mongols and Cumans. It would be an easy fix and would still serve a lot of utility, in that your vills would be much more difficult to raid - while not giving them insane offensive power simultaneously. Counter-tower his resources. [–]Qzsw 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (30 children). With your next 4 vills you produce, send one to wood, one to food, one to stone, and one more to wood. Due to this, they can counter cavalry effectively, as they don't have to run around each other in order to attack. Their Skirmishers, boosted by Atlatl, can counter Slingers, and Jaguar Warriors easily slaughter two of their core units (Kamayuks and Eagle Warriors). more rows at bottom. In the case of NAC3 it was serengeti. I didn’t even have to counter tower. Notably, post-Imperial Incan Elite Eagle Warriors can survive 60 arrows from post-Imperial Arbalests (due to Fabric Shields). Could have it where it applies an attack bonus of 1 vs every single unit in the game, excluding vils. I completely agree with your suggestion and frankly am surprised they haven't implemented that already. If your map was more open I bet you would be fucked. They are also one of the best archers at dealing with Huskarls. The key is that you must scout so you know when and where he's going to. If Hoang hadn't been Hoang rushing he would not have had adequate military to repel the Inca trush and would have gotten stomped. If he's smart, the base of his towers will be walled too, making this impossible to execute. If he gets the first tower up without a fight in a key location, it will be a tough game. It will benefit you immensely in vill fights. These two bonuses allow the Incas to make good fortifications and forward bases near the opponents for a rush. Their team bonus (farms are created faster) is especially useful for civilizations that have other bonuses for farms like in the case of the Chinese (having these 2 civilizations on the same team boost the farms greatly from their team bonuses), the Slavs, the Mayans, the Teutons, the Spanish (that their workers create buildings faster) ,the Franks, the Burgundians (sooner economical upgrades) and the Sicilians(upgrades on farms bring more food source). Posted by 4 days ago. The rate of queue dodging has increased significantly, tonight 60% of my matches were failed. In Budapest map as every player have double start up (2 town centers double villagers and 2 scouts) they also get an advantage as they start with 2 llamas instead of 1. That doesn't stop it from being absolutely cancerous for everyone else. I would say at a bare minimum, upon clicking to feudal age, you should have the following vills on each resource: 6 on food, 3 on wood, 2 on stone. Rendered by PID 9608 on r2-app-06eaddedddd554960 at 2021-02-18 10:42:28.569410+00:00 running 095aa3a country code: FR. They have the damage output of 3 of your vils, but take less than a third of yours. Send all your vills at the base of his tower(s) and kill them, then kill his vills. ), jaguar warriors, samurai, cataphracts, janissaries, mamelukes (they do very high damage to each other, but ultimately the mamelukes come out victorious) buildings and sufficiently micro-managed cavalry archers. You tried to perform an action that is meant for registered users only. Defensively, Incas fare reasonably well. [–]Todros1 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (1 child). The lack of husbandry is incredibly frustrating. Excellent example of this is laming, it is easier than ever to lame opponents boars yet several pros don't do it out of principle. I don't really do a full on vil rush, though it sounds like I should give that more of a shot, I just do a basic 5 vil trush. However, Slingers are much a powerful counter to infantry, so the player should generally mix them with Kamayuks. The Eagle Warrior's armor can be improved with the unique technology Fabric Shields that gives them +1/+2 extra armor, this unique technology (plus Blacksmith upgrades) increases the armor of Eagle Warriors considerably to an incredible 10 pierce armor, making Incan Eagle Warriors devastating on raids as they withstand both Town Center and Castle arrow fire. Hoang won because of the strategy he always chooses, in fact I bet that Noboru would have had a better shot of winning if he just stayed home and made archers. aoestats aggregates the latest ranked matches for Age of Empires II and provides in-depth data and statistics on a civilization basis; stats include: win rate, play rate, win rate vs. game length, and more! They don't do cheese strats because they know it makes the game boring and have the intelligence to pick something with more nuance. To compensate this they must stay near to their fortifications or take advantage of the map if they can, or simply avoid frontal battles in the late game. Ultimately you will only have a 2 or 3 minute advantage, let's say you use that advantage to make 5 scouts, and you engage right after he has gotten both blacksmith upgrades. That's a strategy that almost no player ever does because it frankly is not effective against most normal strategies. Regarding limiting the game to feudal, I agree, if done well its extremely difficult to age up to castle while being trushed. Like the other Native American civilizations, the Incas lack cavalry and gunpowder units, which puts them at a disadvantage in the late game. Teutons Kinda counter inca rush pretty easily. With a normal civ, guess drush into walls and some towers and fc is probably the play. Literally the best player in the world could not win against it, with a counterpick. Not seeing it. [–]kokandevatten 1 point2 points3 points 1 year ago (0 children), When u see villies just stay at his base and produce more militias like hoang, [–]Jcpkill 1 point2 points3 points 1 year ago (1 child). Here is what I've found works against me: Walls. Also important to not neglect your eco at home - when I try this strategy that is a common pitfall because of too much focus on micro at the front. "They don't do cheese strats because they know it makes the game boring and have the intelligence to pick something with more nuance.". Man-at-arms are incredibly slow and melt in tower fire, which undoubtedly the Inca player will throw up tons of at their base the second they see you producing them. Ok, let's be real about that game, the only reason Hoang even had a chance in hell is because he already had 4 militia up, and more queued, before he even spotted what Noboru was doing. Also they receive Guilds and Block Printing making their economy and their Monks more viable. [–][deleted] 1 point2 points3 points 1 year ago (2 children). [–][deleted] 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (31 children). What is the most reliable strategy to counter an Inca tower rush? The Lithuanian unique unit, the Leitis, can be very effective when raiding an Incan settlement, as its attack ignores armor, so all the extra armor the Incan villagers have is useless.. As their stone discount bonus applies to the Town Center, they have an advantage in nomad maps. That's where the relocation/stalling comes in, if you can inch your way there, you will eventually be able to click up. You can also toy with the idea of opening with 3 Man-at-arms against Inca … The Incas are a versatile civilization as they have several useful economic bonuses. I'd always thought quick M&A could work with civs that can get that or Forging quickly - Bulgarians, Burmese, Magyars and maybe Japanese, Goths, or Vikings. As evidenced by all the high level players picking only Incas on those maps, right? This vulnerability is increased by the lack of durability of their unique units. 1.9k. They can save wood from houses and stone from their Wonder, so they are also well suited for a "Wonder race" game match. Do I take more from wood/food? Age of Empires 2 is a real-time based strategy game. - Strategy: This is a very special civilization, as it requires some specific strategy. All of their troops have fairly low health, and cannot last long. [–][deleted] 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago* (25 children). Not only are the Inca player's towers cheaper, but the vills are incredibly resilient, both to your tower fire and vill fights (in my experience vill wars are absolutely atrocious when you try to fight them after they have both upgrades... you literally have half the damage output of your opponent in vill fights, i lost a 7v5 vill fight with him only losing one of his vills afterwards). Much like Pikemen, Kamayuks get an additional attack bonus against elephant type units such as the Battle Elephant. Being a civilization with good early game and able to perform early game raids and having a particularly potent Tower Rush they can defeat civilizations that fare otherwise (bad early game but good late game) like the Turks, the, As they have access to Eagle Warriors and have the, Defensively they have an advantage against civilizations with mediocre siege workshop or proper anti-building units thanks to their cheaper Walls, Castles and Towers (without considering the Trebuchets which every civilization have access to). I would love some pointers on how I can improve this strat, or you can call me a lame idk. Not to mention he can just follow you and re-tower which will result in the same problem you had before. [–]the_io 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (1 child). I was playing Age of Empires 2v2. Archers should work, but you need a safe stone to slow him down until you get 10 archers with fletching so you can two shot vills. I know teutons aren't genuinely trash tier, I just kind of subscribe to Viper's train of thought in that they don't do any one thing particularly well which makes them hard to be truly competitive.

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